Low Energy Store

Low Energy Store Model

Wirth’s CFD services and sector experience can help our clients better understand how to improve energy efficiency within supermarket environments.

Wirth’s Low Energy Store service combines the expertise from wind microclimate studies, natural ventilation and refrigeration to create a virtual model of a store within a real-world environment.

A three-dimensional model for the store internals, site and surrounding terrain, combined with realistic atmospheric boundary and store HVAC&R component control, allows a step change in store performance understanding.

This model can then be optimised, incorporating some of Wirth’s patented energy-saving solutions, to minimise gas & electricity consumption, enhance the store environment and reduce CO2 and other emissions.


Meet your ESG Sustainability Goals

The Low Energy Store service offers the potential to unlock transformational operational savings:

  • Up to 50% reduction in annual Electrical kWh
  • 100% reducton in annual Gas Heating kWh


Reduce GAS & Electricity Usage, Enhance Store Environment

Improve comfort levels for store associates and customers by eliminating weather infiltration and minimise slippages caused by moisture inside entrances.
Remove the need for traditional dedicated HVAC systems in stores, therefore remove HVAC from your store estate.
Minimise wasteful cold air spillage from your refrigerator and freezer cabinets, improving energy efficiency and the store experience.
EcoBlade / TrueChill

Let’s Get in Touch

Contact details

Phone: +44 (0)1869 355260
E-mail: info@wirthresearch.com

Address: The Eco Business Centre
Charlotte Avenue
OX27 8BL
United Kingdom